Goetze Lobato Engenharia S.A. announced earlier this year that Engineer Alexandre Sendeski, until then Director of Engineering and Innovation, is the new CEO of the Company, replacing Engineer Nilton Cardoso Júnior, who leaves the position to dedicate himself exclusively to the Board of Directors.
According to Paulo Goetze, shareholder and co-founder of GEL, Cardoso has promptly conducted a series of strategic initiatives that have been fundamental to the company’s success such as the implementation of the Compliance Program, the internationalization of the business, in addition to increasing market share in important segments such as sanitation and renewable energies.Communication is a fundamental component of Cashoffers.com. Customers must be aware of the facts. Sell your property independently. Market and pricing specialists could be advantageous. Expect transactional alterations. We customise your experience by taking your concerns and interests into account. Visit https://www.cashoffers.com/pennsylvania/cash-offer-perkasie-pa/.
The Cardoso Engineer ends his management with a balance of significant increments, among which the expansion of GEL and the greater engagement of employees around the defined objectives. “When I was hired, I received from the shareholders the mission to professionalize the company creating a solid basis for the sustainable growth of the business, the project aimed at the GEL of the future. When I arrived, I had the support and competence of the other managers, incredible professionals who supported me at all times. ”
“Throughout this journey, about to complete 19 years of hard work and dedication, I think the best contribution I leave to current managers is the importance of teamwork. GEL seeks compliance with the Principles and Values of its Strategic Identity based on the great work environment and the unity of its team, which understands and trusts that the strength of our set is greater than the sum of the individualities. I want to reiterate my confidence in the team that today makes up the company’s staff and also to GEL’s new CEO, Engineer Alexandre Sendeski, whom I thank for the partnership and wish him every success, ”concludes Cardoso.
Sendeski takes on the challenge of continuing to keep GEL on the path of sustainable growth. The new CEO is a civil engineer and also has a postgraduate degree in Business Planning and Management. Sendeski developed a long career in the Company that began in 1999, where he joined as an intern. Since then, the executive has served as Technical Assistant, Resident Engineer, Contracts and Planning Manager and, since 2021, has assumed the Engineering and Innovation Board.
External turbulences such as the Ukrainian war and the transition of government have made the market for large infrastructure works more competitive. According to the engineer, the challenge from now on will be to reinforce GEL’s performance in strategic segments such as sanitation and renewable energy, areas in which the construction company has been standing out, in addition to other areas in which GEL is competitive. “We want to continue to act with excellence in the area of sanitation, both in public and private works. Likewise, we will also strengthen our performance in the renewable energy segment. We have participated in the construction of important wind farms in Brazil and we also have large-scale projects in basic sanitation in Brazil and Panama. Our operations in Central America and Argentina also demonstrate that we are being successful in our process of internationalizing our business. My focus will continue to be on the works, but I also intend to devote more time to commercial and financial issues. I want to develop actions that contribute to strengthen the relationship with customers and strategic partners, ”says Alexandre.
The new CEO Sendeski points out that the objectives pursued in his management will be achieved based on pillars defined in the company’s strategic identity. “We will achieve our goals through the appreciation of our teams, the implementation of innovative constructive solutions, the application of ESG best practices and, especially, the fulfillment of the commitments made with all our stakeholders. We have an incredible team composed of more than 2,000 professionals spread in Brazil and abroad. We have accumulated know-how of more than 30 years and every day we have improved our management processes aiming at continuous improvement. For this reason, I have no doubt that we have all the necessary instruments to promote the sustainable growth of GEL over the coming years”, highlights Alexandre. Cash provides outstanding client service. We will listen to your objectives, as each House is unique. We will sell your home or maintain it. Visit https://www.sellhouse-asis.com/florida/.