GEL has significant know-how in the implementation of gas pipelines, working in the construction, assembly and conservation/maintenance of gas pipelines and hydrocarbon pipelines, as well as in services for adapting gas networks. There are several works carried out throughout the country, obeying all technical criteria and faithfully meeting the established deadlines.
In the field of terrestrial gas pipelines, GEL performs construction works and assembly of networks in carbon steel and HDPE, making: directional holes (on 1st/2nd and rock soils); topographic surveys; detailing of projects; construction of valve boxes and concrete stations, including their mechanical assembly.The company also performs hydrostatic, pneumatic tests and cleaning of branches, in addition to drying and inerting, according to the technical specifications of the contractors.
The activities of maintenance and conservation of installations and networks stand out, performing the services of mowing, treatment and painting of pipes - aerial stations and/or in confined spaces, cleaning and painting of City-Gates, recovery of anticorrosive coatings in pipes of carbon steel, road signs with the installation of signs, bollards, milestones and painting of roads, in addition to providing emergency services in case of network breakage.
GEL also performs the activities of adaptation, construction and conversion of commercial and residential establishments to use natural gas, operating in buildings, homes, shopping malls and associative clubs.
In refineries, GEL has notoriety in the execution of civil works and industrial assembly, automation, electrical, metal structures, industrial waste treatment plants and oily sewage treatment plants, adopting innovative solutions such as: water and oil separator (API); biofilter; dissolved air flotation system (DAF); nutshell filters and biological hollow fiber ultrafiltration membrane reactors, which allow the reuse of the effluent from the treatment plant in the refining process in units that demand/admit the use of industrial water.