
Code of Ethics and Conduct

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Complementing your SGI and its good business practices, the GEL instituted in 2015 its Ethics and Compliance Manual – Anti-Corruption Rules, whose objective was to guide its professionals on how to act with third parties so that, in addition to meeting legal requirements, they represented the consolidation of the company parameters and ethical standards of transparency and efficiency, which are of fundamental importance for maintaining the principles that guide its activities. activities.

The GEL in 2018 it started to update its Compliance Program. Among other advances, the new manual, called Code of Ethics and Conduct, whose main objectives are:

  • The GEL Compliance Program aims to provide greater security to its shareholders, management, associates, suppliers, service providers, business partners and other stakeholders (who are directly or indirectly related to GEL) in its activities.
  • Demonstrate that GEL values integrity in its commercial, governmental and corporate relations, through its Compliance mechanisms.
  • Renew your commitment to comply with standards, laws, regulations, that is, with the legislation applicable to your business activities.

Policies adopted by GEL

Folders GEL