
Coxilha Negra Wind Farm: one of the largest wind generation works in the country.

The construction site of the Coxilha Negra Wind Farm, which is under construction in Santana do Livramento – RS, will have more than 21,000 m² of total area, with approximately 2,400 m² of built area between offices and accommodation and another 18,600 m² of industrial site area (concrete plants and crusher).

The work is advancing at full speed and GEL is responsible for the construction of the foundations of 72 Weg wind turbines of 4.2 MW each, totaling 302.4 MW of installed power. Our scope also includes approximately 107 km of medium voltage network, more than 150 km of paved access and 400 m² of Operation and Maintenance buildings.

The project will be one of the largest in wind power generation in Brazil, bringing clean and renewable energy to approximately 1.5 million people.

Folders GEL