
International market – Argentina

To Gel it would Engineer, in expansion in the international market, in Consócio with local company, it contracts for execution of the works of sanitation in the provinces of Mendoza and Santa Fé, in Argentina.

Province of Mendoza
Two contracts were firm with Department of the Interior, Public Works and House, through Enohsa. National Being of Obras Hídricas and Sanitation: THE first has as object the execution of the sewer collector “Boedo-Ponce” with extension of 21.264,00 m, will be executed with tubes in PRFV, possessing period of execution of 24 months.

The second contract has as object the enlargement of the Station of Treatment of Esgoto (ETE) “Paramillo”, with capacity of treating 1.000 l/s, assisting her/it a population of approximately of 173 thousand people, possessing period of execution of 30 months.

THE contract with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport and Ministry of Economía of Santa Faith’s Province has as object the execution of the second stage of the water main “Desío Arijón – Tramos IV and V”, assisting a population of approximately 300.000 inhabitants. The period of execution is of 24 months involving activities of contrução of stations elevatórias of water, reservoirs and water mains:

I Scheme IV
Water main: 31.810,00 m
Station elevatória:1 un
Reservoirs: 3 un 
I Scheme V
Water main: 39.494,00 m
Station elevatória:1 un
Reservoirs: 4 un

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