Our Story
GEL is all this and more!
Constitution of GEL - Porto Alegre/RS
GEL was created in 1983, but started to operate in 1992 in the public and private sector, with a commitment to execute works with quality, safety and within the agreed terms and in compliance with the legislation and its external and internal regulations.
A reference in quality and innovation, the company has stood out in the areas of sanitation, port and road infrastructure, special artwork and drainage, work in oil refinery, gas pipeline, renewable energy, civil construction, residential, industrial and building construction , mining, hydroelectric, depollution and dredging of rivers, among others, operating in the national and international market.
Several customers have been helping GEL write its story: PETROBRAS S/A; Renova Energia S.A.; Norte Energia S.A.; Águas de Cuiabá/MT; Techint S.A; SANEPAR/PR; CAESB/DF; CORSAN/RS; DMAE/RS; DEP/RS; SRH/CE; SOHIDRA/CE; DER/PR; COMPAGAS/PR; PBGAS/PB; SCGAS/SC; SULGAS/RS; COPASA/MG; P.M. de Curitiba/PR; P.M. de Votorantim/SP; P.M. de Piraquara/PR; P.M. de Fazenda Rio Grande/PR; P.M. de Arapongas/PR; SAAE Porto Feliz/SP; SAAE Sorocaba/SP; etc.
Goetze Lobato Engenharia arrives in Curitiba
Transfer from Porto Alegre/RS to Curitiba/PR.
First expressive contract
APPA - Structural Recovery of the Vertical Silo - Paranaguá/PR.
Prosege Program - Boosted GEL's growth
Beginning of numerous hires through the Social Action Program in Sanitation.
First challenging contract - changed the history of GEL!
Caesb - ETE Planaltina - Planaltina/DF.
Transfer to headquarters (current).
Quality System
First ISO 9001 Quality Certification.
First gas works contract
Compagas - Maintenance of the natural gas distribution network in Curitiba and the Metropolitan Region.
Largest water supply system project, until then
Sanepar– Consórcio GAF - Coast of Paraná/PR.
First mining project
Petrobras SIX I – Unidade de Industrialização do Xisto - São Mateus do Sul/PR.
First ECC contract
Compagas - Commercialization, adaptation and conversion of gas installations - Curitiba/PR.
First automation work
Sanepar – Consórcio GAN – Curitiba e Região Metropolitana/PR.
Responsible Partnership Award
Petrobras - National Award for Quality, Safety, Environment and Social Responsibility.
GEL's biggest project until this year
Petrobras Repar – Refinaria Presidente Getúlio Vargas - Araucária/PR.
R$ 25 million investment in equipment
Petrobras SIX II – Unidade de Industrialização do Xisto - São Mateus do Sul/PR.
Largest contract in the sanitation area until this year
DMAE - Execution and Operation of ETE Serraria - Porto Alegre/RS
First major private contract
North Energy Contract - Water and sewage sanitation - Altamira/PA.
First Wind Energy contract
Renova Energia - 15 wind farms - Guanambi/BA.
A new GEL is born!
Hiring of PMTG Consulting - Business Management Technology Solutions for company restructuring.
Compliance Program
Implementation of the Ethics and Conduct Manual - Anti-Corruption Rules.
Innovative hiring modality
Sanepar - Asset Leasing - Expansion of the SES off the coast of Paraná/PR.
GEL in Argentina
Constitution of a Branch in the Argentine Republic.
GEL in Panama
Constitution of Branch in the Republic of Panama.
GEL is now SA!
Transformation of the legal type of the company - Ltda. for SA.
First international contracts (sanitation)
ENOHSA / Province of Mendoza and Ministry of Economy, Infrastructure and Transport / Province of Santa Fé - Argentine Republic.
First contract in the Republic of Panama (sanitation)
Ministerio del Salud - Red de Alcatarillado de Burunga Northwest - Republic of Panama.
Code of Ethics and Conduct
Implementation of the new Compliance Program manual.