BEVAP – Bionergética Vale do Paracatu S/A
Bioenergética Vale do Paracatu S / A – BEVAP, created in 2007, is located in the northwest of the State of Minas Gerais, in the municipality of João Pinheiro. The industrial unit produces hydrated alcohol and cogeneration of electric power of 80 MW, whose milling capacity is 3 million tons of sugar cane and investments in the order of R $ 700 million.
CER Energia
The CER – Renewable Energy Company, whose business is the generation of renewable energy, was created in 2008 by a group of investors with significant experience in infrastructure projects. CER Energia’s current portfolio totals 255 MW in SHPs in the states of Paraná and Mato Grosso. In the wind power source, the new frontiers developed in the interior of Bahia total 1820 MW in projects with a high capacity factor, developed mostly in their own sites. The CER sold at the A-3 and A-5 auctions, Wind Farms in the Xique Xique / BA region, respectively, 68MW and 166MW, in the implementation phase. In 2012, focusing on the potential of solar energy in Bahia and the synergy between sources, the company began researching the potential of photovoltaic solar energy, sharing the infrastructure of wind farms. Since then CER has developed 150MW in photovoltaic projects, which have already been registered with ANEEL.
Created in 1997, Petrofisa do Brasil Ltda. came to meet the Brazilian market in the manufacture of pipes, connections and poles reinforced with fiberglass and PRFV with PVC liner (RPVC) by filament-winding process fully automated and controlled. The industry is located in the metropolitan region of Curitiba and serves customers in several regions of Brazil, being a reference in this segment.
Located in Manaus, capital of Amazonas, Ecofibra Indústria e Comércio de Compósitos Ltda. was created in 2010 to meet the demand of the Amazon region in the manufacture of FRP (fiberglass reinforced polyester) crosses and poles. Fiberglass posts are corrosion-proof and have great durability. In addition, because they are lighter than concrete posts, they represent greater agility in transportation and maintenance. In line with the socially responsible company profile, the PRFV posts represent zero environmental impact and contribute to the development of the region.
GBM Túneis
The GBM Túnis Engenharia Ltda. was created in 2009 and has, among others, the recovery, replacement and installation of piping through non-destructive methods, making use of the process called CIPP (acronym in English for “tube cured in loco”, which consists of the installation of a a new tube formed by thermoset resins that are cured at the installation site and which uses the existing tubing as a mold. The installation is done by inserting a felt blanket impregnated with thermosetting resin, generally using the wells of visit as Once positioned inside the tubing, the mat conforms to the inner walls by pneumatic or hydrostatic pressure and is temperature cured, forming a new tube totally independent of the old tubing.
ALA Construções e Empreendimentos Ltda
ALA Construções e Empreendimentos Ltda. has as main objective the exploitation of the civil construction industry. In 1992, he executed the works for the recovery and maintenance of electromechanical equipment in the Vertical Silo of 100,000ton in Paranaguá / PR for APPA-Administration of the Ports of Paranaguá and Antonina. With a representation in the telephony market and also in sanitation, in these years, ALA has solidified and gained significant clients such as: CASAN / SC, SANEPAR / PR, TELESP / SP, TELEPAR / PR, COPEL / PR, among others.