

The city that takes the name of one of the most important rivers of Pernambuco, Santa Cruz do Capibaribe, takes an important step for the depollution of the spring and preservation of the environment. This is because Companhia Pernambucana de Saneamento (Compesa) is beginning work on the implementation of the first phase of the Sanitary Sewage System (SES) of Santa Cruz do Capibaribe. The main objective of this first phase of the project is to significantly reduce the direct sewage from the Capibaribe River, which washes the city. The interventions begin with the construction of the Sewage Treatment Station (ETE), located in the Oscarzão neighborhood, on the banks of the Capibaribe River, which will have the capacity to treat the volume of 355 liters per second, reaching a treatment of 1 billion liters of sewage , a month.

R $ 100 million will be invested, resources from the Capibaribe River Basin Sustainability Project (PSH) financed by the State Government with the World Bank, to benefit more than 100 thousand people – the project will guarantee the city’s service until the year of 2038, whose population survey is almost 200 thousand inhabitants. “This is another investment made by Governor Paulo Câmara in the area of Sanitation, in one of the largest cities in the Northern Agreste. The PSH aims to develop projects and expand sanitary sewage systems in the municipalities cut by Rio Capibaribe, thus contributing to the decontamination and improvement of the quality of life of the population, “says Compesa’s president, Roberto Tavares.

In addition to the ETE, the first stage of the system provides for the implementation of four pumping stations and eight interceptors – which correspond to 18 kilometers of pipes that will collect sewage generated in the city, along the banks of the Capibaribe. Also will be constructed 184 visits wells, which will have the function of interconnecting the existing system in the city to the interceptors, and another five emissaries (pipelines that will carry the sewage from the pumping stations to the ETE). The first stage of the work should be completed by September 2019.


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